Much like the inaugural Winter Blast, 2020 will feature an oldschoolmtg tournament! So get those decks ready.
Basic details (to be fleshed out further in the near future)
- Register here!!
- 8-9 February 2020 at the Polish Combatants Hall in Toronto
- EC rules
- Up to 10 proxies allowed. Please make sure they are easily understood for opponents (ie, they look like the actual cards, or are more than a Sharpied basic land)
- 5-6 rounds of Swiss on Saturday, no draws, and then Top X on Sunday
- Sunday will be a casual day of hanging out and playing other types of old magic while the Top X duke it out
- Sunday will also include a Scryings cube draft
- Old School ReSealed tournament on Sunday
- Money donated to the Cecil Community Centre

- Charity auction (if you want cool stuff, donate cool stuff!)
- Orb Flips and other non-gaming side events
- Vendor(s) on site
- Prizes for Top 4, plus the coveted City of Brass for #1
- Additional prizes for spicy brews, and other fun things at random ( prizes post 1 & post 2)
- 11am – doors open, getting setup and registered
- noon – round 1 starts, bar opens
- sometime around 2 – lunch break
- 7pm – Raffles and Top 8 announcement and prizes awarded for >8 positions
- 8pm – out of the hall
- after 8pm – yet to be decided, but likely doing Top 8 at O’Grady’s Pub around the corner to make Sunday more relaxed
- All day – Face to Face games vending, sign ups for reSealed event Sunday, raffle ticket purchases
- Orb flipping contest sometime during the day
- 10am – doors open
- 11am – bar opens
- 11am – Top 8 starts (if not done the night before)
- 11:30am – reSealed event kicks off
- 6pm – out of the hall
- Scryings Cube and OS95 Cubes will fire whenever we have 8 players
- Other formats and pick-up games happening all day
If you wish to help out, some ways that you can do that are:
- Share the website with your playgroups/social networks and spread the word
- Donate cards/posters/alters/art/etc to the charity auctions
- Talk to your favorite shops/vendors to see if they would like to donate prizes and/or have a booth at the venue
- Anonymously (or not) provide more information/input/suggestions/etc here