14 September 2019
What is The Fire Ball? Well, much like The Winter Blast, this is an old school mtg tournament in Toronto, Ontario. This time, however, we have a ballroom as our event space, so we might as well dress fancy and enjoy the affair, no?
We’ll be playing by Eternal Central Rules, in a Swiss format, with an option to drop and play side events after round 3.
Facebook Event page is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2667118909984581
Full details and registration are here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-fire-ball-a-toronto-old-school-mtg-tournament-tickets-64892372834
The goals of our events are as follows:
- Have fun
- Support a charity
- Build community
- Provide a safe space to come and enjoy Magic
- Our Code of Conduct has more details
- $25 CAD at the door
- Eternal Central Legal Card for Prize Pool
- Abide by our Code of Conduct
Tournament Structure:
- Eternal Central rules – https://www.eternalcentral.com/9394rules/
- 60 card minimum decks, 1-15 card sideboard.
- one proxy is allowed, a Chaos Orb
- 1 Free mulligan, followed by London Mulligan
- Structure is Swiss with a cut to top 4, time permitting.
- 50 minutes per round.
- Best of 3 games per round.
- No draws. The win will go to the player with the fewest Strip Mines. If both players have the same number of Strip Mines, the game will be decided by Orb flips.
- Side events will be available beginning after the third round.
Prize Structure:
- Fire Ball Champion – Chronicles City of Brass signed by all attendees
- Top Four of the Swiss
- Player Signed Card for Each Attendee (please bring one)
Additional prizes will be awarded at the organizer’s discretion for:
- Highest Placing UnPowered/Budget Deck
- Spiciest Deck
- Largest Fireball
- Most game wins by Fireball
- Farthest Traveled
Extra Fun Stuff & Side Events:

- Orb Flip Contest
- Onsite vendor(s)
- Auctions
- Raffles Between Rounds
- Goblin King and Sorceress Queen of the Ball
- Side events (Alpha40, Revised 40, Baller 40, Two-Headed Giant, Sealed, etc.)
Some things you could win are posted here: http://geocitiesofbrass.com/the-fire-ball-prizes-2019/
All proceeds raised at the door and via side events, raffles, etc. will be donated to charities. We have chosen The Native Youth Sexual Health Network for our portion, and the vendors will get to choose their own for their portions.
Bring With You:
- Your Deck
- Cash for entrance, cash bar, raffles, and side events. No ATM on site.
- A Card for the Prize Pool
- Dress Up (optional, but we’re in a ball room)
Rough Schedule:
10:30 am – Doors open, registration begins. We’ll still be setting up, so you might be put to work, but it’s also a good time to chat w/ one another, play some games, trade some cards, etc.
11:30 am – Round 1 Begins
2:30 pm – Break for Food
3:00 pm – Round 4 and Side Events Begin
7:30 pm – Prizes Awarded and Pack Up
8:00 pm – Get Out
Come prepared to have fun.
Emails sent out are attached here for posterity.
Ok mages, the time is nearly upon us, for us to descend upon the battlefield to cast spells, make friends, and strengthen our bonds. I wanted to let you know that one important thing that has come to light recently, and I want you all to be prepared.
Maze of Ith is unrestricted! This is huge news in the Eternal Central ruleset, so be prepared. https://www.eternalcentral.com/9394rules/
Other than that, I’m including the previous email below for those of you who have registered since then. Please send me those deck pics as well.
Important change from the original plan! We are not going to have official side events. I sincerely apologize for this change, but there’s not much time in the day, so I had to scale back some of the original plans. We are looking to make The Winter Blast be a two day event in order to have more fun events going on.
What do we need from you?
- A good attitude! We are here to have fun, raise money for charity, and play old cardboard.
- A deck pic – The 75+ cards in your pic are your deck registration for the event. If it changes between submission and the start of round 1 on Saturday, let us know! deckpics@thefireball.ca
- A second pic – This pic should be of just a handful of cards, like an ideal starting hand, or something that shows off what you want of the deck. eg Land, Lotus, Channel, Fireball, or what have you. deckpics@thefireball.ca
- Show up at the venue between 10:30am and 11am – We’re getting there at 10:30 as well, so it’ll be chaotic, but the earlier you arrive, the faster we’ll be ready to go. There’s plenty of space this time since we are upstairs.
- Bring $25 cash for registration – again, donated to charity!
- An old school playable card for the player pool of prize cards (aka the cards we sign)
- Bring cash and cards to make deals. Face to Face will have a booth on site for a few hours, so be prepared.
- Read over the Code of Conduct and then abide by it
Things you should know:
- Eternal Central rules – https://www.eternalcentral.com/9394rules/
- 60 card minimum decks, 1-15 card sideboard.
- one proxy is allowed, a Chaos Orb
- 1 Free mulligan, followed by London Mulligan
- Structure is Swiss
- 50 minutes per round.
- Best of 3 games per round.
- No draws. The win will go to the player with the fewest Strip Mines. If both players have the same number of Strip Mines, the game will be decided by Orb flips.
- Chaos Orb flip off – $10 entry to win a rad prize by hitting the most consecutive flips
- Random prizes drawn throughout the day
- Raffle prizes : https://geocitiesofbrass.com/the-fire-ball-prizes-2019/
- Prizes for top 4
- Chronicles City of Brass for first place
- Loads of other prizes for a variety of silly/fun things
If you have any questions, let me know, grazer@gmail.com and we are very much looking forward to seeing all of you on Saturday.