One of the key things that I’ve wanted to establish here in Toronto is a regular event schedule for folks to look forward to. It started with The Winter Blast earlier this year, and now it’s time for it to have a sibling event, The Fire Ball!

The Fire Ball will take place on Saturday, September 14thfrom 10:30 AM to 8PM.
The main event at the Fire Ball is an Eternal Central tournament with Swiss rounds, as one would expect. However, following the third round, anyone who would like to is encouraged to drop and join a side event. Side events will include 93/94 Two Headed Giant, Revised 40, and potentially some Old School Sealed.

Another change from the Winter Blast is that the Fire Ball will be (optionally) formal. Please feel encouraged to don your fanciest or funniest clothing to have a chance to win some additional discretionary prizes from our judges.
For the Fire Ball, there will be a couple of minor rule changes from the standard Eternal Central 93/94 rules.
The first change will be the draw policy. Draws will still not be allowed. If a match would result in a draw, the total number of strip mines in each of the players decks and sideboard will be considered. The match win will be awarded to the player with the lower number of Strip Mines. If both players have the same number of Strip Mines, the match will go to Orb flips.
Secondly, we will be allowing one proxy, Chaos Orb. Chaos Orb is key to the spirit of old school, and we feel that all players should have a chance to experience that.
The Ball will take place in the same location, Beverly Halls, but this time we’re upstairs in the ballroom. There’s roughly three times the space available, meaning we can hold a larger event and will easily be able to support the side events.

If this type of thing interests you at all, please be encouraged to join us for the event. If getting enough old cards to get a deck together is an issue, please reach out to us or come out to one of the regular meetups. We are very willing to help expand the player base.
Event registration is here: