The first ever Winter Blast is a mere 6 days away, so we’re in full blown “cross the Ts and dot the Is mode” around here. As such, some folks have stepped up, volunteered, and/or donated time, skills, and/or donations to the cause. We had Morgan design up these rad 90s style flyers that we distributed all over Magic Fest Toronto.

Next we’ve had a local player, Jae, reach out and offer tons of great ideas as well as donating time and resources to helping make the day even more awesome. He’s donated a Limited Edition Artist Print, 125/250, from the late 90s, as well as soliciting a donation from Hairy Tarantula in the form of what just might be the first MtG poster ever printed, or at least from very early on, with art by Mark Tedin and Anson Maddocks.

In addition to the above items and assistance, I’ve had several other donations that will be used as random prizes for things, and also had a special music playlist created for the day by my friend Suppa. I’ve not spoiled all the good stuff, but hopefully this gives you all a good idea of what to expect for the day.
So all in all, this coming Saturday is looking to be a spectacular day, full of fun, prizes, cards, and all sorts of good vibes.