1 January 2022 UPDATE
Registration is live and full details are here.
Event details: http://www.ottawaoldschool.com/announcing-boreal-community-cup-2/
Sign-up sheet: https://forms.gle/LF4T74wAMoeQxT3c9
Decklist submission: https://forms.gle/V2Z4sq47xYKSbTjd9
Read on for more specifics.
Long time, no see, friends! This doesn’t mean that nothings been going on though. Deep in depths of the Canadian Old School discord, chatting and planning have been taking place for a few weeks on something new. Full details are still forthcoming, but we wanted to get the word out so y’all can mark your calendars. I’ll update this space with details as they become available, but for now, here’s the Press Release.

With everything happening with Omicron, how about another Boreal Community Cup to keep our minds off things, and to bring the Canadian communities together? And by that, we mean pitting Canada’s Old School communities against each other, all to benefit charity!
Like last year:
- Communities compete together, including Outsiders.
- Players accumulate points, which go towards their community totals.
- Proxies are allowed.
- Boreal banlist
- ALL money collected will go to the winning community’s charity of choice.
- $15 CAD entry
There will be a few changes:
- We’re going to make the points system and event simpler.
- The event will not take place over a day. Instead, you will get 5 opponents outside your community, and you play your matches over 2 weeks.
- The winning community will be the one with the highest points per person, provided they have at least 3 registrants.
- You will register to spice or spike. And you will be paired against others who did the same.
- In the spike bracket, you get a point per win (up to 5).
- In the spice bracket, you get a point per spice vote from our panel of judges (up to 5)
- There are no community cards (or points for using specific cards).
The matches will take place between February 12 – 27. Registration opens January 24. All participants are expected to schedule matches during North American evenings. More details to come on prizes and raffles. Please reach out if you’d like to donate to the raffle. Please join the Canadian Old School Discord (https://discord.gg/FxSf37yJbK), and join us in the #boreal-community-cup channel.
How do I know if my deck is Spiky or Spicy?
Your decision on which bracket to register for should come down to points.
- Will you get more points for your community by winning games against known decks in the format?
- Will the average judge look at your deck, and think… whoa, this is some
Some practical examples (all using Hymns):
- Mono-B Midrange probably won’t turn any spice judges’ heads:
- Mono-B Aggro:
- 4-color-good-stuff.
- Somehow making Bard tribal work with Hymns + Titania’s Song + Seasinger + Singing Tree + Dwarven song:
- Quinton Hoover tribal:
- A twisted take on BG Control: