Editor’s Note: The next Monday Meetup is this Monday, 14 January. Yes, that means back to back Old School, and it means that some folks who work Mondays can now make it.
Our first meetup of the year we decided to explicitly focus on trading, and it did not disappoint. It seems like Mondays are going to settle at around 12 people, which is a nice number, but unfortunately for us, The Bar With No Name was busy last night, so we weren’t all able to get seats right away. No matter though as browsing binders while standing up is easy enough. On to the trades!
I don’t know exact numbers or versions or even what all was traded, but from talking to folks who were present, and my own experiences, the trading was pretty hot. I know that in addition to the above sweet haul, 2 CE and one Revised Badlands exchanged hands, as did a Mirror Universe and some Mana Vaults, with a Yotian Soldier to seal a deal! There were some Tron Lands, and Alpha Fog, Beta Regrowth, and Unlimited White Knights exchanging hands as well. If my Beta Forcefields were in better condition, I might have walked out of the night with a CE Black Lotus, but they were both in the Good range instead of VG, which would have made it possible. Gotta say, even though the trade didn’t happen, it was a thrilling conversation to have.

In addition to the binders being passed around, we did have time to get in a lot of games. I had enough time to play 3 different opponents, starting the night off w/ Alpha 40 and finishing up with Old School Swedish B&R Tron. I’m liking single Strip Mine more and more as time goes on. I started off as a proponent of 4 Strip, mostly because I have a lot of fancy real estate and I want to make sure opponents have a chance to respond to them, but it appears that that’s not as large a concern as I initially thought it would be. A separate Alpha 40 post is forthcoming, but as for the old school games, Arboria/Island Sanctuary Millstone deck didn’t get me this week as I was able to land a Rocket Launcher, but then I got smoked by an Underworld Dreams deck.
And a reminder to sign up for The Winter Blast soon so that I know how many people to expect, currently at 28 out of 48 spots. It’s going to be a lot of fun.