It’s been a bit quiet here on the blog as most of my attention is directed at The Winter Blast, but that doesn’t mean that nothing’s been happening.
We had a scare that turned into more of a low grade worry approximately 2 weeks ago when our usual Monday haunt, The Bar With No Name, announced that they are closing soon, and then announced their final draft night last week. We assumed that meant they were going to be closed this last Monday, 25 Feb 2019, causing us to frantically search for a replacement locale. Turns out that they will be open until the end of March, so we can kick that can down the road until at least after this weekend. Huge relief there.

Our latest meetup had a great turnout of players as well as a few observers and traders who swung by to hang out and meet the community. I got in games against 4 or 5 different players and learned that Green Weenie is pretty solid in game 1 vs most decks and then deteriorates quickly post sideboarding. I don’t have a board for it, which is something I should get on for the weekend to improve my chances of winning a round or 2.
And here’s a little cell phone video of a Chaos Orb flip, being flipped like a coin! Super fun to see and this table saw some great games with impressive decks. One is almost entirely signed and the other is entirely Alpha and Antiquities!
Next update will most likely be a tournament report/update in the next week or so.